Please seek advice from your doctor or medical health provider before starting your body transformation if you are worried about any pre-existing injury, eating disorder or relevant medical condition.
Before you workout
Remember, if you get less than 7 hours sleep, you may have a higher risk of injury. If you didn’t sleep 7+ hours, consider moving your workout to another day.
Less is more
The idea of squeezing out ‘one more rep’ that isn’t there isn’t helpful long term - think more about waking the body up each workout rather than forcing it.
Not hydrating properly is a common mistake. Stay well-hydrated before, during and after your workout. You’ll perform better, burn more fat and build more muscle.
Consistency beats intensity. Some workouts will be better than others. Try to keep your training days and times consistent, and you’ll see the difference.
How many world records get broken on an empty stomach? Not many. Don’t forget to fuel your Plane-training HOME workouts - try eating some fruit about an hour before your workout.
If you haven’t trained for a while, your body will take some time to adapt to these new movements. Give your body time to adjust, and don’t train if your muscles are sore.
'Good' pain is muscle burn, 'bad' pain is sharper pain in joints - if something in your body doesn't feel right, stop immediately and speak to your health care provider.
Plane-training HOME is a celebration of what your incredible body can do, not a punishment for what you ate - remember; your body is the greatest thing you will ever own.